House of Angry and Unstable Non-corporeal Terrors

Type commands into the terminal window to move yourself through haunted cyberspace.
Use `h` or `help` to see a list of the most acceptable commands.
`scan off` and `music off` will turn off the scanlines and pause the music respectively. Some users may experience eye strain if playing with scanlines active.
String together movement commands! `w w w w` will move your character 4 spaces west until you hit a wall.

Think you've made the ghost happy enough? Try to leave and see if you've appeased it sufficiently!

You've established ZOOM connection to an alien outpost! But the connection is unstable. But you're confident you can fix it. Absolutely.

Ha! As if. Now you're trapped in the terminal with an unstable ghost.

Appease the ghost by finding the thing it's been looking for --- except it doesn't quite remember what.

The right thing will make it happy; the wrong thing will make it angry. Happy ghost will let you out but angry ghost will start destroying things.

Investigate the rooms as much as you like, but you can only carry three (3) things. Offer one to the ghost and see how it feels.

Go on. Open the.. terminal.. and start figuring out what to bring to an angry cyberghost.


HAUNT: House of Angry and Unstable Non-corporeal Terrors was brought to you by Team Too Lazy

Narrative Design Wizards: Doves In Dreams, Kyuui
Code Warlocks: Kyuui, Doves In Dreams
Terminal Interface: jQuery Terminal used under MIT License.
Music: "Halloween Ghost Party" by Loyalty Freak Music, used under CC0 1.0 Universal License.
"Ghost" by Podington Bear, used under CC BY-NC 4.0 License.
"I'll Rip Every Tooth Out of That Shark and Make Them Into the Most Beautiful Necklace You Ever Seen" by Gigakoops, used under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License.

Made for Ludum Dare 49

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