Turn off music in Settings if needed. It's very elevator music.

Connect and Launch Landlines

Use `h` or `help` to pull up a list of possible commands.

As a henchalien, you’re used to doing someone else’s bidding.

But this is a bit much.

Someone had the bright idea to intercept human calls with an alien switchboard so command can listen in while they talk. And you’re the lucky henchalien that gets to man the switchboard.

Failure to connect calls on time leads to angry humans (and managers), which leads to very bad reviews...

…and probably other consequences you’d rather avoid.

Good news is that your shift ends in 5 minutes. You just gotta survive without making too many people angry.

Calls are coming in every 10 seconds. Activate those nimble fingers!


CALL: Connect and Launch Landlines was brought to you by Team Too Lazy
Narrative Design Wizards: Doves In Dreams, Kyuui
Graphics Sorcerer: Kyuui
Code Warlock: Kyuui
Terminal Interface: jQuery Terminal used under MIT License.
Music: "An Incident Occurs" by Steve Combs, used under CC By 4.0 Attribution License.

Made for Ludum Dare 51

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